Wednesday 23 February 2011

Player Campaign 001

Latest pictures from the campaign I am a player in. There were skeletons involved.

The party entered a chamber full of skellingtons, evil blob-summoning wizards and dudes with spears. We were pretty confident.

Then my character (Doctor Blitzmann the artificer) almost died. Then everyone else almost died.  

Then we almost died again. This time, there were more skellingtons, spear dudes, blob summoners and face huggers. Oh, and there was a vampire. And a magma golem. And a bone golem. It was a little intimidating.
If you wish, you can read more about Blitzmann on my other, better blog, Insane Amok.

What the fukobolds?

    This is a blog about Dungeons and Dragons. I'll be posting pictures and comments relating to the DnD campaigns I am currently engaged in. I will also be posting general thoughts on DnD in general. That's about it.